Pormpuraaw Rangers

The Queensland Government currently employs six Indigenous land and sea rangers through the Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire Council, the first of which were employed in 2007.

The Pormpuraaw Deed of Grant of Land in Trust (DOGIT) covers about 4,662 square kilometres along the west coast of Cape York Peninsula. The major river systems covered are the Holroyd/Kendall River, Christmas Creek, Balurga River, Edward River, Mungkan River, Chapman River, Mellenan River and Coleman River.

Planned activities include rehabilitation of coastal wetlands, finalisation and continued development of rangers in certified training courses (currently CALM Cert 3) qualification for aerial feral animal control, training other Ranger groups in feral animal exclusion techniques and additional biosecurity work with NAQS.

Postal address: Administration Pormpuraaw, Pormpurraaw QLD 4871

Phone: (07) 4060 4155

Email: ranger@pormpuraaw.qld.gov.au

website: www.pormpuraaw.qld.gov.au/ranger.htm