Lama Lama Rangers

The Lama Lama Rangers are based out of Port Stewart, 60km east of Coen in the Princess Charlotte Bay area of the Cape York Peninsula. After many years of campaigning for ownership of our traditional lands, we were given formal recognition in 1990 of a small parcel of land at Port Stewart. And by 2008 had obtained ownership of almost all our traditional country.

The Lama Lama Land Trust and its corporate vehicle Yintjingga Aboriginal Corporation implement programs and coordinate all activities on country.

We look after both land and sea country. We have joint management with Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service of the Lama Lama National Park and Marpa Island National Park, but we also closely work with the Traditional Owners on a casual basis. We are also in the first stages of developing a Traditional Use of Marine Resources Agreement for Lama Lama people funded by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.

The Lama Lama Ranger Program coordinates conservation and land management activities, including bio-diversity and water quality assessment, fire management, baseline flora and fauna sampling, weed and feral animal control and visitor management, frog survey and cultural recording. Rangers work across land and sea country.

Tel: Coen: (07) 4060 1048 and Port Stewart: (07) 4060 3369
Fax: Coen: (07) 4060 1065 Port Stewart: (07) 4060 3369

Yintjingga Aboriginal Corporation Lama Lama Ranger Service
Coen Office: J S Love Building
Ranger Base Port Stewart: Lot 13 Port Stewart Rd via Coen Port Stewart via Coen Qld 4871